Friday, 14 November 2008


It is doubtful that any other brand in the world has such a committed and large group of supporters, in part due to the fact that the MG brand was actually started by enthusiasts who wanted the cars to deliver all the elements so important to driving enthusiast.

With this enthusiast background, the very active MG club activities are no surprise, and indeed it is the largest following for a single brand in the world. Currently it is estimated that there are approximately 100,000 active MG enthusiasts worldwide, located mainly in the regions where MG cars were sold, and served by a variety of MG clubs ranging from very small local groups to large international organisations.

There are two main MG clubs who provide membership benefits on an international scale. The oldest is the MG Car Club that was formed in 1930 with the active support of the MG Car Company. This company support continued until the 1960s when the club became independent. Today, it has its headquarters located in Abingdon, England, very close to the only remaining part of what used to be the MG factory.

The younger of the main MG clubs is the MG Owners’ Club which was formed in 1973 as an independently run organisation and operates from its purpose built headquarters near to Cambridge, England.

The two clubs are fundamentally different in their structures and have their focus in slightly different areas of MG activities. This has enabled both clubs to prosper and grow over the years to a point where many MG enthusiasts find benefit in being members of both organisations. MG events have long been a major part of what the clubs organise for their members. The MG Car Club’s annual Silverstone event is the largest and longest running event.

MG ownership can be an enormous pleasure and the vast array of additional benefits that the clubs offer enables the MG owner to become a member of a very large friendly and helpful family.

For more information on the MG Car Club, visit
For more information on the MG Owners’ Club, visit
For more information on MG Products, visit

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